Suspension Categories
High School Breakdown
Mathletics Achievements
Primary School Breakdown
Student by Gender
 Supported Return to School Program  -  Data Satistics -    2017
Year Breakdown
Specialised Tutorial Program
Based on: 55 Students Enrolled 2 No - Show Average attendance rate 7.8 days  8 Return Students  NESB 2 ESB 35 ATSI 9 No Record 9 
2017 Annual Statistic Report
In 2017, 55 students enrolled at the Campbelltown Supported Return to School Program (SRSP) ranging from Year 4 to Year 12.  Supported academically using an Online Learning Environment, designed to engage students in Literacy with a strong emphasis on a narrative approach, graphic design and digital imagery. Mathletics is provided to engage students in individal Mathematics levels based around the curriculum. 
Behaviours are addressed through learning and discussion around strategies to support positive thoughts and making good choices.
Male:          42 Female:      13 Neutral:        0
Student by Gender
Year Breakdown
High Schools Airds H.S. Ambarvalel H.S. Camden H.S. Campbelltown H.S. Eagle Vale H.S. Elderslie H.S. Elizabeth Macarthur H.S. Leumeah H.S. Lomandra School Mount Annan  H.S. Robert Townson H.S. Sarah Redfern H.S. Thomas Reddall H.S. Verona School Total:
High School Breakdown
Students 8 1 1 9 6 1 1 2 2 1 2 12 1 1 48
Primary School Breakdown
Primary Schools Campbelltown P.S. Lomandra School Narellan P.S. Ruse P.S. St Andrews P.S. Thomas Acres P.S. Total: 
Students 2 1 1 1 1 1 7
Physical violence Use of prohibited weapon, knife, firearm  Possession of illegal substance Use of impliment as weapon Serious criminal behaviour Persistent misbehaviour 
27% 3% 2% 3% 0% 65%
Long Suspension Categories
During Term 2 of this year, Lomandra conducted a pilot specialised tutorial program for students, Years 9-11, who are chronic non-attenders. The students were perhaps  best characterised as:- school refusers- suffering from anxiety- suffering from depression.  The pilot program operated out of the Campbelltown Return to School Centre, which is overseen by Lomandra and was formerly known as the Suspension Centre,  and provided academic support for 2 hours per day,  3 days per week. The program is designed as a short term academic intervention, not a therapeutic or behavioural intervention. The feedback was positive.